EndoClean - Digital workflow in endoscopy Link
EndoClean Workflow digitally models the complete cleaning cycle of your endoscopes. Endoscope serial number, washer and dryer protocols of all manufacturers are retrieved automatically. Additionally, manual steps such as brush cleaning or final inspection can be defined and displayed for each step in the process. Input is possible via RFID or barcode scan, touchscreen or foot switch.
With the collected data, you can
- create cleaning records
- view and export the history of each endoscope
- generate statistics about the use of your endoscope inventory
EndoClean Workflow is completely manufacturer-independent and can be used with different endoscopes and washing machines.

supports washers and dryers of all manufacturers

digitization of manual workflows

tamper-proof documentation of the cleaning process

proof of cleaning in medical reports

status overview of all endoscopes

keeps cleaning history of each endoscope

statistical evaluation of usage and cleaning

indentification of users and devices via RFID or barcode
Product life-time Link
Product life-time of EndoClean and its modules is 5 years starting at the year of release of the subsequent version.
For further information contact our service.